1. Upload your favorite photo, it can be of people, animals, landscapes, etc.
( Photo Tips: Please use clear and non-reflective photo)
2. Text can also be engraved on the surface.
3. Then, add to cart.
(If you can't upload photo, please try to use other Browser, Don't use Messenger open it.)
Let's Craft Your Hobby,Your Memories or Anything You Want Into A Special 3D Lamp Made Just For You.
Perfect gift for lover,Mother,Best Friends,Couples and so on.
Think of that something you love or that someone special. Something you dream or get super passionate about. Or maybe that thing someone you care about, absolutely loves.Then let us craft it into a beautifully designed 3D Illusion Lamp which adds life and light to that desk, that bedroom or that empty space that could use some elegant and conversation-starter-type-of personality.
Makes a perfect gift or an impressive personal treat. Your home could use another dose of what makes you, YOU. You are extraordinary and embracing that which makes you unique is what makes you a Lamp.The better quality the photo, the better the results